Chair: Tyler Haywood, IPS Group
Co-chair: Martin Kockx, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Board Liaison: Sean Keenan, Moderna
The Emerging Leaders Committee focuses on meeting the needs of the Chapter’s younger members (as well as others new to the industry) by providing opportunities to network with peers, mentors and other professionals; and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the industry. Toward this end, the ELC organizes an annual selection of educational, networking and recreational programs and activities specifically designed for our EL community. Educational programs highlight industry basics, augmenting the chapter’s more specialized offerings, while social events stress the casual and spontaneous.
The ELC meets monthly to socialize and plan upcoming activities. In general, one or two members take full responsibility for each event, with assistance provided by the Chapter’s admin staff. As an example, EL events for 2022 include:
The ELC is the perfect choice for younger Chapter members who want to create fun ways to network with peers and learn from the Chapter’s seasoned industry professionals. To get involved, contact the Chapter at or complete the Online Volunteer Form.
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